Nybryggt mars 2022

Roosa has just made an update for how nybryggt.nu and Service Supply Scandinavia has been during March. Here it is:

## March 2022

Another good month for us! The month started off strong with notably larger than usual turnover on the first couple of weeks, which led to a considerable increase in our average order value. We’ve had some campaigns but otherwise I’m not sure what was the cause of such increase (50 kr). All in all, it was once again an all time high month in terms of turnover!

March was the first month working with the coffee advent calendar. Christmas isn’t luckily close yet (can be argued considering this weeks weather) but the calendar project starts now and is taking a lot of time.

What’s more:

## Highlights

– Record month (turnover)
– New products from Lavazza: new coffee capsules. Lavazza is going big on TV and SoMe, and these new capsules are advertised for instance at Benjamin’s cooking show. Good leverage for us too.
Arvid Nordquist
– New distributor: Rombouts. A Belgian Coffee brand.
– Average order value: ca. 50 kr higher than last month.

## Collaboration

– Kahls Kaffe: Buy 3 Pay for 2 (250g beans)
Barbera Coffee: Get a free coffee sample (250g ground coffee) on your next order.

## Happenings

– Started out with Danish Smart Shopping. Interesting to see if it generates some conversions.
– We got a more competitive price list from Zoegas, which will hopefully give us an opportunity to compete on the hotel and café branch.
– Prices keep gradually increasing. This is something to be noted when looking into our turnover; increased turnover isn’t only increased sales – some of it comes from the price increases on products but no major impact on this yet.
– Advent calendar:
– So far 5 out of 8 roasteries gathered. New thing this year will be a Finnish coffee roastery (Kaffa Roastery), whose coffee we will also take in for Nybryggt as the first Finnish roastery.

## Cash

As for now, it looks like we won’t reach the budget for the year; it seems like we are starting to reach a plateau in terms of order volume. A growth of 25-30% looks more relevant for the year.

As usual, you can find more figures from the Open Financials file, but here is a brief of our March in numbers:

– 11% = growth compared to the previous year
– 886 = amount of orders
– 568,243 SEK = turnover
– 62,845 SEK = profit
– 43,021 SEK = result from the beginning of our fiscal year (August ? )

Over and out!


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